Mimo MBS-SD32-OPT SD Card, 32GB for Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, Non-Returnable

Mimo MBS-SD32-OPT SD Card, 32GB for Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, Non-Returnable


Actual Weight:      1.00 lbs.
Shipping Weight:  3.00 lbs.

Mimo MBS-SD32-OPT SD Card, 32GB for Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, Non-Returnable

Mimo MBS-SD32-OPT SD Card, 32GB for Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, Non-Returnable


Mimo MBS-SD32-OPT SD Card, 32GB for Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, Non-Returnable    MBSSD32OPT

This SanDisk memory card is to be used with the MBS line of Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In

Reliable, high-performance mini SD cards


  • Qualified and dependable MicroSD cards to run BrightSign presentations
  • Various capacities of class 10 MicroSD cards
  • Compatible with Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, HS123, HS124, LS3, HD3, XD3, XT3, XD2 and 4K BrightSign players

Mimo MBS-SD32-OPT SD Card, 32GB for Mimo Vue with BrightSign Built-In, Non-Returnable

Replaces Mimo MBS-SD08-OPT
Replaces Mimo MBS-SD16-OPT

Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: MBS-SD32-OPT