HAT Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount

HAT Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount


Shipping Weight:  3.00 lbs.

Hat Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount

HAT Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount with HD 75/100 VESA Tilter (Single Stud Wall Install)


HAT Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount    9110HD104

HAT Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount with HD 75/100 VESA Tilter (Single Stud Wall Install)

HAT Design Works 9110-HD-104 Articulating Mounts: TouchScreen Wall Mount

The 9110-HD series features our spring-assisted HD tilter for greater weight capacity and smoother monitor tilt adjustment. You can add optional extender arms to allow even greater flexibility and range.

Condition: Brand new with original manufacturer warranty.
Most items in stock – please call to verify if order is urgent.

When ordering this item, use this part number: 9110-HD-104