ELO ECM1 IDS Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.2 GHz, 160GB SATA, 1GB RAM Computer Module with Windows 7 Pro

ELO ECM1 IDS Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.2 GHz, 160GB SATA, 1GB RAM Computer Module with Windows 7 Pro


Shipping Weight:  6.40 lbs.

Elo E077771 2.2 GHz Computer Module ECM1

ELO ECM1 IDS Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.2 GHz, 160GB SATA, 1GB RAM Computer Module with Windows 7 Pro

These Elo ECM1, ECM2 and ECM3 IDS Computer modules have been discontinued by the manufacturer.
Click the red 'See It' button to be taken to the Elo IDS Computer Modules category to make another selection. Elo IDS Computer Modules for Elo IDS Touch Screens


Elo E077771 2.2 GHz Computer Module ECM1

Elo E077771 Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.2 GHz, 160GB SATA, 1GB Computer Module ECM1 with Windows 7 Professional 32 bit

These computers are designed to fit inside Elo TouchSystems IDS (Interactive Digital Signage) touch platforms. 

Models 3200L 32-inch Touch Display, 4200L 42-inch Touch Display, 4600L 46-inch Touch Display, 5500L 55-inch Touch Display

These touch computers enable increased customer engagement and real-time metrics for OOH (out-of-home) environments by adding an exciting new dimension to traditional broadcast digital signage – the power of touch.  The IDS solution incorporates two high-performance optional Computer Modules, ECM1, ECM2 and ECM3 that are designed specifically for the Elo Interactive Display Signage (IDS) touch displays and offer maximum flexibility in delivering high quality digital signage functionality to increase customer engagement in OOH environments.

When ordering this item, use this part number:  E077771

Elo Part Number  ELO-KIT-ESY-W7-2.2G-G   ELOKITESYW72.2GG